I had never gotten a massage before I started massage school. Becoming a bodywork was never on my radar as a kid, but now I can’t see myself doing anything else.

I graduated college with a degree in chemical engineering, got a job with a consulting firm called Accenture, and then landed in Healthcare IT with UCLA. But after 8 years trying to find joy in my work, I still didn’t feel fulfilled. I had checked all the boxes and was making 100k a year, but I was unhappy and depressed. In 2016 I quit IT cold turkey. Then I got back in touch with my intuition, and slowly I rebuilt my life into one I can be proud of.

I discovered a whole world of alternative health and wellness through a friend who does Craniosacral Therapy. Since then, I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of holistic and eastern medicines from sound healing to acupressure, energy healing to breathwork and more. And I love all of it. I believe in helping people heal on every level – mind, body, and spirit. Because it’s all connected. One part influences another.

I am a licensed Massage Therapist who’s also trained to work with your energy, soft tissue organs, lymph, and craniosacral system. I love to learn and every year I take a few courses to understand the body and learn new healing techniques. I’ve studied with the Barral Institute, the Upledger Institute, the Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing, and many energy healers and therapists. I have an awareness that emotions can be stored in the tissues and result in discomfort or tension and am trained in somatic (mind-body) healing modalities.

After a few years of working as a therapist, I found that talking through stressful experiences with my clients resulted in deeper tissue release and fewer sessions. So I got Certified as Holistic Life Coach through Alan Cohen, and often coach in my sessions.

I believe in working collaboratively with my clients to help them understand and overcome any obstacles to their healing. I also understand that I don’t have all the answers and often refer my clients out to trustworthy Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, and alternative healers for support.

I love to teach. Know that I’m happy to explain anything and leave you with better knowledge of your unique situation. Having time to teach is one of the reasons why I started a private practice.

In 2021, one of my clients started planning for their end of life. So to support them better, I started learning about the death and dying space, and then completed a program to become a Death Midwife. I didn’t know there would be more to my career, but then it showed up as holding space for the final transition. In a way, I feel at home in this world.

As a Death Midwife, I work with families and their dying loved one to educate, provide hands-on healing, and support them through the end of life.

When I’m not working, I’m walking my dog Cocoa, rock climbing with my husband, or planting some fresh seedlings in my garden.

See Miinkay as Featured in Podcasts, Interviews and News Articles.

See Miinkay as Featured in Podcasts, Interviews and News Articles.

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